Renee Beale Renee Beale

Episode 07: XR for Wellbeing

In this episode we’re immersing ourselves in extended reality (XR), and testing the hypothesis that, ‘in the future, wellbeing will be XR’s doing.’

Image attribution: Bradley Hook

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Renee Beale Renee Beale

Episode 06: Digital Afterlife

In this episode we’ll dig down into the afterlife, more specifically the digital afterlife, and test the hypothesis that: in the future a digital afterlife will become part of life.

Image attribution:

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Renee Beale Renee Beale

Episode 05: Food - Land to Lab

In this episode let’s taste the future of food, exploring the hypothesis that: in the future, food will be grown in the lab not on the land.

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Fashion Renee Beale Fashion Renee Beale

Episode 02: Circular Fashion

This episode we move between laboratory and catwalk diving into the relatively new world of circular fashion testing the hypothesis: ‘All fashion could be circular in the future.’

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Technology Renee Beale Technology Renee Beale

Episode 01: Deepfakes

In this episode we crack the deepfakes code, exploring the hypothesis: ‘In the near future, due to improvements in deepfake technology, humans will be unable to determine what is real and what is fake.’

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