Episode 04: Mining the Moon


In this episode we dig up information on Moon mining as we test the hypothesis ‘we should mine the Moon’.

We’ll discover more about the resources on the Moon that might be worth mining and why, what new innovations might need to be developed, and finally examine whether the economics makes the enterprise viable.

Satellite surveys of the Moon suggest that it contains important metals, sources of energy, and water, making the Moon of interest as a base where humans can refuel and resupply craft for onward space exploration journeys.

If we can get the economics to stack up, the legal frameworks in place, and invent the required technology, could we be sifting through Moon dust in another couple of decades?

Guest experts featured in this episode include:

Dr Kate Selway, earth scientist, (at the time of recording, at Macquarie University, now at the University of South Australia)

Professor Rachel Webster, astrophysicist, the University of Melbourne

Nicholas Bennett, a space resources researcher, the University of New South Wales


Episode 05: Food - Land to Lab


Episode 03: De-extinction