Episode 03: De-extinction
In this episode we investigate the power of de-extinction science and ask ‘Can resurrecting extinct species ensure biodiversity?’
We will discover more about what de-extinction actually is, how the technology is currently developing, whether this might present a solution to biodiversity loss, and finally tackle the ecological and moral challenges to resurrecting extinct species.
According to a 2018 World Wildlife Foundation report, Earth has lost more than half of its biodiversity in the last four decades. These are desperate times, calling for aggressive action. Perhaps de-extinction may be required alongside traditional conservation efforts, climate change action, and habitat rehabilitation to secure a biodiverse future?
Guest experts featured in this episode:
Professor Andrew Pask, developmental geneticist, the University of Melbourne;
Professor Marcel Klaassen, ecologist, the Centre of Integrative Ecology, Deakin University;
Tristen Derham, PhD student, the School of Natural Sciences, the University of Tasmania.